Prepping for the Holidays

Well, I ended up going to the gym last night and burned 265 calories...

Today, I did not go at all, though. I didn't eat a whole lot - just a fiber bar, some cereal, and a chicken sandwich and fries from Hotshots. I resisted the temptation to eat out for lunch - which is a HUGE step in the right direction. Me learning how to say no is the first step to combating this food addiction I'm convinced that I have.

Other than that, today was fairly low-key all things considered. This is the holiday weekend, so I'm sure I will continue to be tempted, and I may just have to give in. I mean, I can't see myself passing up BBQ. However, I will try to participate in the holiday festivities only in moderation because if I overdo it, that will make it that much simpler to slip back into a state of addiction, and that will set me back 10 steps.

I've been getting on the scale more often that I should and when I weighed yesterday, I was up 2 pounds to 242. This is extremely difficult for me to bear, but as I posted yesterday, I'm into my tester capris, so all is going well.

The pool is officially open as well. I wish my body was in better shape for this season, but hey, all I can realistically hope is that by the time summer rolls around next year, I will be in tip-top shape and able to sport the sexier swimwear.

Here's to the holiday weekend!


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