Today I Did Nothing...But Not All is Lost

I didn't do anything in particular today. While I tried to eat reasonable meals (diets don't really work for me all that well - more about that later), I didn't go to the gym and burn calories...which is cool because I have been working out since last Tuesday (5/11/10) with only one other day in between. So, I'm not at all worried about getting back on the "wagon" because technically I'm not off. I have a gym membership that's actually being paid for each month. With me being unemployed and money so tight, I need to be actively using it. And that's exactly what I will do.

My biggest pitfall for today was eating some potato chips. I'm not normally a big chip person, but I got these as my snack. They are Archer Farms Baked Bacon & Cheddar chips...and I've got to tell you, they are so good. I've also got to tell you -- I probably ate more than I should have. When I sit and eat -- especially from an un-portioned bag, I'm about 75% more likely to overeat, and that's what happened today. I'm not going to beat myself up about it because tomorrow is another day and I can make better choices.

I'm glad I have the opportunity to make choices about my weight loss. Normally, I'm backed into a corner where I have absolutely no other option than to do things a certain way. I've made this decision to control my weight loss destiny. It will be a heck of a ride...


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