Weight Watchers Update!

Today I will (for real, this time) keep it short and sweet...

I lost 3.4 pounds last week using the Weight Watchers program! According to their scale, I am now 237.2 pounds. Can you say w00t?!!

For the most part, sticking to my plan has been fairly simple. Simple is not to be confused with easy. It has not been easy, by any stretch. However, it is much simpler than ever before, because I have the support of the meetings in learning the right things to do. So far, the program has been worth the $40 monthly pass that I bought. Plus, I enjoy sharing my triumphs with people face-to-face. So, the good news is that I'm not slacking.

So, I'm sticking to the plan and loosing weight. On top of me changing my eating habits, I also go to the park and walk 2.2 miles at least every other day or so.

It's actually fun this go 'round. Once again, that shouldn't be confused with easy. But, it is fun and the fun makes it all more tolerable.

Well, that's all I got. Til next time, take care.

Big Girl E


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