This Weekend!

So, this weekend was amazing. I touched on so many areas of my own personal fitness. I don't have very much time to type, so I will keep it short and sweet.

#1 - I attended the FAA (Food Addicts Anonymous) phone meeting. It really was not my speed. Their focus is to cut all wheat and sugar out of your diet. Granted, this is an excellent focus and will likely lead to future weight loss and overall fitness. However, it's not the change for me. I would go crazy cutting off my sugar and breads cold turkey like that. Plus the call was pretty scattered and everyone seemed a bit rehearsed. That's just my opinion. They say you should try attending the meetings six times before you decide it's not right for you. Right now, I just don't see this being the route I want to take.

#2 - I joined Weight Watchers. Yes, I'm a part of the actual program. The reason I say "actual program" is because I have tried to do it on my own without the meetings and failed each time (I tried 2-3 times before). Now, I will not only have the support of my leaders, but I will also have more accountability to my finances (since there will be $40 coming out each month for the monthly pass). I'm too cheap to let money go down the drain like that. A big plus, though, is that my sister in law joined with me so we will try to attend the meetings together. I think it will be fun for us and let us have some "girl time".

#3 - I had the most vigorous walk in the park so far. My hubby really pushed me beyond what I thought were my limits, but it was a fierce workout, and I can't thank him enough. Sure I whined and complained along the way, but it was really worthwhile - so much so that I lost a pound right afterward. Now, of course he thinks he's the master trainer. He's pretty awesome, and I will give him credit because it's definitely due.

I stuck to my plan today and even sought out what Weight Watchers calls "Filling Foods" so that I have lower points, but I'm getting more full. Of course that results in fewer cravings, and a happier disposition about this lifestyle change I have made.

I know I said I would keep it short, but time flies when you're having fun. Gotta run, but I will keep you all updated. Keep tuning in! TTYL :-)


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