Quick Update!

Sorry for not posting for a while. I'm still here. I haven't been dieting or sticking to a workout schedule (surprise, right?). I did, however, download MyFitnessPal to my Droid, and I'm going to start keeping track of things very soon. When exactly? I can't say for sure because I don't want to keep setting myself up for failure. But, bear with me as I keep trying.

Here's a comment that I received to my post on Tyler's 344pounds.com site:

"When I’m obese I know the mechanics of how to lose weight, but I haven’t the heart.
Then something in my life will trigger that switch in my mind that is turned on and PRESTO I become motivated and get it in gear.
For Tyler it was the birth of his baby girl. For me it has varied, I have an milestone birthday coming up next year and I don’t want to hate myself for being overweight anymore. I’ve lost 50 pounds since January and my quality of life is much better now, even though I’ll still overweight according to my BMI.
You’re not ready, till you have your heart and mind committed to changing – until then just do your best to be super supportive of your husband!"

This was in response to my complete breakdown on his blog. I think it's very true. I'm obviously not ready, but at the same time, I need a way to clear this food addiction. I'm going to get involved in some Food Addicts Anonymous meetings - there is actually a session scheduled for tomorrow at 10 AM CST. I think I will call in and hopefully get some inspiration. The good news is they have the meetings every single day. So, I think this will be helpful. I will post to let you know what I have learned from the call. The website suggests attending at least 6 meetings before dismissing it. So, that's exactly what I will do.

Thanks everyone for reading, and please bear with me as I work to get myself on the right track!


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