Ass-Backward Society!

We live in a (pardon my French) ass-backward society!

On one hand, we praise the slender - so much so that it drives even those who are healthy size and weight to suffer from extreme eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. We showcase the tall, "skinny" model as the "ultimate woman". This of course leads us to believe that thin is in and anything else is...well, you get the point.

However (and this is where it gets interesting) - we effectively price people out of being healthy. I have many theories about this, but only one of them is related to the blog. It's a form of what's called "population control". Population control is when the population of a species is unnaturally controlled by some man-made concept, idea, or mechanism. Now, that's just Big Girl E's definition, nothing out of Merriam-Webster. I digress, but follow me here...

Unhealthy food options are the cheapest. If you think of the dollar menu at any fast food restaurant, processed foods, etc. On the same token, look at organic food or food at more health-conscious restaurants. Of course, if you can't afford to buy the more expensive foods, you will opt for the less expensive alternative.

The cycle goes: you pay less money and get unhealthy food, you get fat and unhealthy, then you die from some sort of obesity-related illness.

Why do we allow them to keep us down and continue to make it hard to be healthy? Does this make ANY sense at all?


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