Play Nice at the Gym (Gym Etiquette 101 for Laymen's)

So, I've been working out lately - and I must admit I have a couple of pet peeves when it comes to going to workout (these are almost big enough to make me want my own at home gym). If you are guilty of any of the following, please change up your habits because you are annoying to be in the same workout facility with...

1. Don't come to the gym while you're sick. This is disgusting. I don't want your coughing, aching, sneezing, or nausea, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, anywhere near me. I'm at the gym to be healthy. If you are sick, stay at home. Don't pass that mess to the rest of us. And please, if you are sick, clean your machine very, very thoroughly afterwards. This is how germs are passed...
2. Don't get on the machine next to me when there are plenty others around. I don't really like working out next to anyone but the hubby. If I don't know you, don't get next to me -- especially if there are plenty of other free machines. I understand if the gym is busy. If not, please let me have my space.
3. Please wear dark colored shirts - especially if you are gross under there. Ok, so you may not know that you're gross, but you are. Please don't wear light colored (especially white) shirts when you know that you sweat a lot.
4. Don't dig in your butt while working out. I'm sorry. I just can't take it. Then you put your hands right back on the machine. EW!
5. Don't drop your weights on the floor. It makes me think it's an earthquake. This disturbs everyone around you. If you have to drop your weights like that, the weights are TOO HEAVY for you to lift.

Sorry, those are just the thoughts going on in a big girl's head.

What ticks you off at the gym?

Prodding Progress...

On May 20, 2010, I weighed 240 pounds. My how things have changed. I have loss 6.8 pounds so far on Weight Watchers, but I'm still nowhere near that it doesn't seem. I'm still in the 250s.

At this point, the weight loss is going so slow, yet it has happened so fast. I wish that I could lose weight much quicker. I wish that my double chin was gone. I wish that my cankles were gone (hopefully those go away). I wish that I was much more healthy. Unfortunately, I'm not there yet.

I just wanted you all to know that I go through many of the same struggles as you. I'm glad to be started though.

Isn't it time you got started...???

I'm Back in Full Effect

Hi, you guys!

I'm starting back up with my weight loss journey.

Here are my stats:

Weight 260.2 pounds (I call it 261)
Program: Weight Watchers PointsPlus
Goal: Size 10/12 pants and HEALTH!

Here's a video I recorded just for you!

I look forward to your thoughts.

Til next time,
Big Girl E